Tuesday 25 September 2012

Paint it black

Ah, the translated version is everything I feel when I first heard the song without the translations.

Even if I were to use a marker to pin point what is hurting, there won't be any difference.
But sing it in a song, like a form of poetry, I'd let it paint me black.

I'd sing it till the heart breaks, the body shatters and the soul dies.

Monday 19 December 2011

It's a habit. Feel like shit? Do a quiz.

Your Existing Situation

"Feels like her current situation is too demanding on him, but not sure how to say no. Looking for some sort of escape or release from the situation."

Your Stress Sources

"Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far, and doesn't want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."
"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."

Your Desired Objective

"Longs for a loving, caring, and supportive relationship, and fanaticizes of living in perfect harmony with others. Has a strong desire for tenderness and affection and enjoys things which are artistically pleasing to the eye."

Your Actual Problem

Fears others will try to hold her back from achieving her goals and the things she wants. Puts on the charm and can be manipulative towards others hoping she can get them to do as she wishes and making it easier for her to reach her own goals.

Your Actual Problem #2

Longs the freedom to make her own decisions and plans without the criticism and restrictions of others. Uses her charm to deal with others and get what she wants.

Take yours here
Starless Night by OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST) on Grooveshark

I reached into the sky 
that my thoughts couldn't reach 
I watched as a multi-colour baloon 
Disappeared into the tiny sky

I'm alone 
with no destination in mind, you softly 
took hold of my hand

Starless night 
I can't get back the shadow of my past 
I want to feel your warmth 
Tears are falling down  even if lost, we won't separate 
because I'm holding onto your hand

Sometimes we fall apart  
and we lose to cowardice but 
I'm sure that from this we  should be able to gain something

Take my hand  
because we two are fragile and imperfect 
please don't ever let go

Starless night   even if you say you'll surrender 
I want to believe in your warmth 
Endless love  I can love your contradictions because 
You are my shining star

Starless night 
I can't get back the shadow of my past 
I want to feel your warmth 
Tears are falling down   even if lost, we won't separate 
because I'm holding you

Starless night  even if you say you'll surrender 
I want to believe in your warmth 
Endless love  I can love your contradictions because 
You are my shining star 
You are my shining star

All I want for Christmas

...is to lock up the feelings of hesitation and move on to the inevitable. There's a lot of happiness waiting ahead, but the road to it isn't easy.

It's really not going to be easy, I knew months ago. I knew years ago, that I'm not the kind blessed with a simple easy life. I can live with that. All I need is a box and a lock. Come on, bring it to me.

Even though it's not snowing, why does it feel so cold?

Monday 12 September 2011

Pottermore, amongst many other things

I respect, entirely and earnestly, the confidentiality towards the Pottermore experience until it is open for public thus my feedback on it will be devoid of photographs of any kind.

First and foremost - I went gaga went my email arrived in my gmail. Great thing about having a smart phone, it goes right to your hands like an owler! And on entering into the virtual world of my childhood for the very first time, I'm absolutely blown away! The artwork, exquisite. The memories? Priceless.

As you follow through the story, you'd begin a lovely journey. Along the way you'd find pieces of trinkets that you collect to win points (eventually they become house points but we'd get there in awhile) and there are interactions on some pages which makes the pretty graphics even more impressive. Love it.

Then you get enrolled into Hogwarts, or in Harry's shoes you get admitted, and off shopping in Diagon Alley you go. And the fun begins, with more of your input now. You answer a series of questions, and you're awarded with your wand. Mine is a 10 inch Elm with Unicorn Core, Rigid. Ollivanders also explains what each wood/core signifies and it can all be found in HP's wiki. I've had someone from Pottermore sharing that their wand is 'surprisingly swishy' which tickles me to no end! Siriusly!

And then you follow through the book's journey, read previously unknown information (fantastic), and then off to the sorting hat you go. Again, you answer a series of questions, and off to your house you go. As for me, named a Ravenclaw and loving it! Afraid I never am with a green thumb, and am without much courage and sly thinking. In the Ravenclaw common room, you are given a message board to share with everyone thoughts and information. There has been many kind Eagles on the board and one of them even shares interesting riddles I enjoy solving.

And so you continue exploring the story, with interactions and treasure hunting, it will soon be revealed to you that a crazy house-cup competition is going on. How do you help your house? YOU BREW POTIONS LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW.

No kidding.

Because it is the one and single way to earn points for your house once you're done with the treasure hunting and the story reading. So everyone simply battles it out with their ability to brew non-stop. I have -sheepishly- been doing that as well. Cannot let the Snakes win this! No, I simply cannot live it down! That's all I'm doing on Pottermore now, and waiting forever for the second book and other features to open up :)

Amongst other matters, I'm enjoying a relatively short week at my new job. All's good baby! And my mum's site is going to complete soon, whew!

Monday 22 August 2011

A little sadist in we

Pain loves misery and misery loves company.
Sounds like a formula of triangular torment.

Speaking of triangles, I dreamt of some weird fandom triangle-love-story just the other day and it got me pondering. Prior to that, I barely gave it much thought. But if there is anything I can say about it, the following words from the youtube video (of one of the best HPDH soundtrack) speaks its very essence:

"JK rowling wrote a better love story in one chapter then stephie meyer did in for novels
luv4dalittlemermaid 3 weeks ago 36 "

Spot on! Anyway dream was kinda weird, played like an extended scene from a movie when Snape and Lily were best of friends. And then there's this deleted scene with very good music from HBP (here) makes me wonder, why do they delete such brilliance (Snape's expression ftw)?? Just as why for no reason they excluded the whole "Lily called a mudblood" scene. UGH!!

But oh I love gloomy music and shall play these gloomy soundtracks all day long. Lalalala~